Monday 31 December 2012

End of year thoughts 2012!

Content may offend so please read disclaimer >here< before continuing. 

Well then, hope you are all well and your ridings been going ok. As for me, what exactly have I been up to since my arm caused me to stop again? One word covers that question, BUSY! Another sibling has come along so that’s now double trouble with 2 youngsters now to cater for. Of course with being a parent again there comes the dreaded ‘lack of a good nights kip’ associated with it! Many a time I’ve made plans to get out on the bike again and go for a bit of practice, only to feel f*ckin knackerd in the morning after getting woke up in the middle of the night. Not only that, with the late nights (or early mornings) that I have when I return home after the gigs, sometimes I only get a couple of hours kip. Not the best place to be if you’re going out on a bike and trying to wring it’s neck! Especially as the years seem to be catching up on me now! As you all know fitness was my forte (didn’t have a lot of bike skills) and to be honest this has also suffered with my training regime with it  almost being thrown out the window, call it a ‘knock on effect’ if you like. So, until I get back into some sort of shape I certainly won’t be racing again because it ain’t worth paying good money out on entry fees, diesel, and bike maintenace just to go and have a ride round, is it?

Do I miss the enduro scene? Of course, after all, a few years back i was racing or practicing week in week out, and although at the moment I seem to have a big thumb print on my forehead that says ’Family duties only’, I can tell that I haven’t given up and as Arnie would say, ’I’ll be back’.

Until then, watch this space, enjoy your racing, see you soon.
