Sunday 18 November 2007

Middleton court- 18th November 2007

Traveling up through the rain, memories of ‘combe sydenham’ earlier in the year came flooding back (pardon the pun), it was still p*ssing it down when I arrived and I got soaked through just getting signed on and getting the bike checked. Whilst waiting for the riders briefing I was stood there with steve jose (turned out the bugger beat me by a couple of mins) and his mate Tim, we all agreed that today was going to be the survival of the fittest!
As expected a delayed start was had due to problems with the course as the organisers had to re-route some parts due to the bad weather, not surprising really, but yet again Xmoor enduro club hold no fears when it comes to putting on an event no matter what the conditions, so fair play to them.
So to start then and mayhem ensued right at the off as a load of bikes were getting stuck just yards from the line at the bog at the bottom of the hill, I was lucky and got directed round it up through the woods. The 1st little climb proved tricky and I got stuck, not for long and I was back on my way again. There’s so much to say about Middleton court, superb venue, it had everything, long slippery hills (up and down), loads of off cambers, tree roots, water, rocks, ruts, fire roads that were filled with ’gloopy’ mud that had you snaking all over the place because of the rain, so with a trials tyre only allowed on the back, it felt like you were fighting to get control of the bike all the time. This is what I think an enduro is all about, no flat field racing here. A true test of man and machine, and it certainly teaches you a thing or two about bike control, and you just got to admire those champ and expert riders who make it look so bloody easy, awesome!
At times on the course there were bikes and riders all over the place either stuck, or just simply taking a rest due to being so ‘cream crackerd‘.
I was struggling, and I wasn’t the only one, on my 2nd lap, on a tricky little rocky climb after a sharp right hander, I got stuck halfway and tried in vain to make it up, not going anywhere, I slid back down and had another go. Got stuck again halfway and tried to push the bike to the top, it seemed like I was heaving forever and I simply run out of energy, so I slid back down again and took a rest before giving it another go. This little climb caused a few problems even to the more experienced riders as they were finding it troublesome as well, needless to say queues were starting to form trying to get up the thing.
On my 3rd attempt I got stuck halfway yet again, but this time I simply wasn’t going to be beaten and I pushed and shoved the little TM (seemed like it weighed a ton with all the mud attached to it) up to the top, got my breath back, and I was on my way again, phew!
Chris Ware came flying past me on a rocky watery climb then proceeded to launch his bike straight up in the air and go ‘dancing’ with it, nice one Chris, made good viewing that!
I pitted after 2 laps only for Mike Coates to come over and hand me my fuel can, his bike had overheated so he was out. I told you to get a new bike mate, sorry, I forgot, you just have! (just joking).
Back out then I went to do another lap and got stuck on that hill again that took me so long to get up last time, no problem this time though as I quickly go to the top with the help of some spectators, thank you! I had a nice little ‘off’ straight into a tree as I slid into it down a slippery bank, I must have going all of 2mph! Believe or not, I managed to really hurt my thigh as the only bloody branch that was poking out stuck straight in it. Typical that.
Getting back to the start, Time up, I missed out on another lap by a couple of minutes so my race was over, only 3 laps!!!!
Not particularly good, but I was glad I finished, a tough race today in very difficult conditions.
Met Richard Tucker whilst walking back to the van at the end, he had a dnf on his new bike, so things didn’t go to plan for him either, shame that, as i as looking forward to his Husqvarna 125 flying past me!
Overall, a tough day and you certainly felt that you'd done an enduro, especially when your soaked through and everything thing is lagged in mud and your knackerd!. Why do we do it? Because we love it that’s why.

Finishing position: 11/29
Bike status: ok
Injuries: none