Monday 31 December 2007

End of year thoughts 2007

There’s no doubt about it, I really am pleased with what’s gone on in my first full year of racing.
I’ve done a fair few races and no matter what’s happened to me or the bike, I’ve managed to finish all of them.
The reliability of the TM has been unbelievable and so has my sheer determination (and sometimes stupidness!) to make it to the finish line. If I can match that sort of record this coming year, then I’ll be over the moon.

I concentrated mainly on the ORE sports 2 stroke champs because I thought I might have a decent chance of getting in the first 5. I had such good results in the early rounds that the lead I built up meant that as long as I finished the last few races without any mishaps, I’ve have enough points in the bag to win it outright.
The most pleasing aspect about winning that (and I’ve mentioned it before) is that most of the courses were very much of the motocross type which is not at all to my liking as I like ‘toughing’ it out in woods that are caked in mud and littered with tree roots. I mean you don’t get many enduro’s doing 25 laps a race do you? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not moaning about it, I’m just pleased I beat some motocross boys at their own game, and some of them 20 yrs younger than me!
I don’t know yet weather I’ll be doing all their rounds in 2008, haven’t made up my mind yet.

Tough races? Yes, there’s been a few I can tell ya. Combe sydenham, Rifton barton, Middleton court (all xmoor enduro club), Huntsham barton (ASW), Star hill (Track’n’trail), Smeartharpe (Little silver). Hats off and 3 cheers to those clubs that put on an event in sometimes atrocious conditions. It’s these sort of races that stick in your mind most and gives you more of a sense of achievement if you finish them. It also makes you admire the pure skill and ability of the top riders, decent bike control or what?
I might be wrong, but I do believe that when the going gets tough, it doesn’t matter what bike you’re on, weather it be a 125 or a 450, everyone’s on the same level. I do have to admit that I do like it when I pass a big 4 banger on my little zingy 125! (that’s probably going to get me in trouble now, I’ll have all you 4 stroke boys shouting obscenities out at me when I’m riding round).

Sometimes it’s been a bit knackering after only getting a few hours kip due to my gigs that I’ve had the night before, and with some events up to3 ½ hours drive away it meant i had to get up really early and set off to get there in time. My girlfriend has been fantastic being my ‘driver’ so I can grab an hours kip on the way up. Mind you that’s all changed now because she stays at home babysitting!

My biggest low point of the year came at Trewint on 2nd September at an ORE race. I had a big off (but still managed to carry on), the bike got damaged, I done my shoulder in, damaged my facial nerves, and still to this day, half of my top lip and gum is still numb from the accident. The bike cost me a fortune to get mended and I couldn’t do much in the way of exercise for a while. A few weeks later our baby was born (that’s a high point by the way) but the lack of exercise and now lack of sleep meant that I really struggled to race and this reflected in my results, I just couldn’t seem to get going properly. A few months down the line now and I’m starting to get fit again and getting more kip, thank god for that!

Well I’ve learnt a little bit more this year about riding a dirt bike and also met some nice folk along the way too. A big thanks to all those people that have helped me out in one way or another, I went mention names because I’m bound to miss someone out and then I’ll get slated for doing so!

I’m now going up to the big wide world of the clubman class or maybe the o40’s depending on which club is organising the event. I’d love to do a round (or maybe two) of the BEC just for the experience and who knows I might even have a little dabble at some motocross!

See you all in 2008