Well my little strimmer's out of action at the moment due to a few things that needed doing which should have been done a while back. The barrels been sent off to get that sorted so a new piston can be put in and also i smashed into a stump a few races back and bent part of the frame that the back pedal attatches to, so thats got to be straightened out as well. So until i get her back which should be sometime this week (fingers crossed) i'll have to play the waiting game.
After gigging last night i didn't get to kip until about 3am so i was a bit 'cream crackered' so a long run was out of the question. Instead i took my little girl out to Dunmere woods (where the enduro's held in October) on our mountain bikes and tried to teach her a few things on how to ride a bike over rough ground, Oh what fun!
Hopefully be back riding next week..................................