Monday 4 April 2011

Yor avin a larf - April 3rd 2011

No i ain't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, i picked up the bike on friday, barrel re chromed, new piston, rings, etc,etc and waited for Sunday to come around so i could run her in a bit down at the MX track.

After another late night through gigging (early morning actually, 3am) on the Saturday, it was off down the track to let the little strimmer loose. Nice day too it was, a bit windy but lovely sunshine, perfect! No trouble starting her, 2nd kick and bring a ding ding, up she fired. I sat there warming up her up for a couple of minutes before i headed out on to the track for a nice easy ride round to run things in. I was on my 3rd lap when all of a sudden she started to rev and suddenly died on me. Strange i thought? Checked a few things, petrol on, throttle ok, plug not loose, kill switch not stuck, so then went to kick her over.................................................SEIZED SOLID! What the f*ck? um........... not happy was an understatement. With just 7 mins on the clock the strimmer decided to commit suicide rather than be ridden by me. How inconsiderate after all we've been through together?

On a more serious note i have not got a clue in the world as to what caused it, but at the moment it's being looked at, and i'll leave it at that.