Thursday 25 August 2011

Foxhill woods- 26th June 2011

Wales here we come then! It was a trip over the Severn bridge to do a CTR event, never done one of these before so I was looking forward to seeing what they’re like. I went up there ‘mad’ Jack Twentyman and his lad Paddy, Jack was riding again after his injury, and Paddy had entered the race as well. Unbelievable weather today, absolutely scorching as the sun was beating down on us from a totally clear blue sky, what a difference a bit of sun makes when your getting changed for an event. At the start line riders were actually taking shelter under the trees, not from the usual outbreaks of rain but from the sun, it really was a scorcher!

So on to the start itself then and I was entered in the o 40’s but because it was a small class we were mixed in amongst the rest of the front row on the line. Off we went then and I didn’t quite nail it and ended up in a bunch of riders as we made our way across a couple of open fields and into a massive woods that went up and down like a rollercoaster. What a fantastic course this was and right up there with the best, lovely flowing trails, tricky tree roots covering the floor, drop offs, hill climbs, ruts, a few slippery sections, hard and easy routes to take and just a couple of short fields that led back to the lap scoring area so you could clear the bike out and have a little blast. I reckon the course was about 7 miles in length. Carl Tiley (ex british champ and vastly experienced) runs CTR and who organizers these events certainly knows what’s what, and if this one is anything to go by then I’ll certainly be back for more. One of the hard routes was a very steep climb that was littered with tree roots as you went up it, then just when you’d made it, think again my son, The last few yards that was near vertical had small rocks/stones on top of soft soil so getting grip was tough. The first couple of laps I did it I had to dragged up to the top, my front wheel was inches away from the top but couldn’t get that last bit of grip as the hill steepened to make it up there. I wasn’t the only one believe me, bikes were getting stuck either side of me as well. Made me laugh what one of the welsh spectators said to me as I finally managed to clean the thing on another lap, ‘well done mate’ he said ‘you’re man enough to by a drink now’! Must of thought I was a youngster!

So in the searing heat (and getting hotter) I did an extra long pit stop to make sure I stayed hydrated, and then it was back out again for the last hour. This went wrong for me again as I went up a small climb and my clutch packed up! I’ve just bloody put a new one in! This time though it wasn’t the clutch plates, the seals had gone on the master cylinder which left me with no pressure when I pulled the lever in (bloody hydraulic clutches) Game over! Luckily for me I was at the top of the hill, so I rolled down slammed her in gear and made my way back to pits in 1st and retired.

Finishing position: DNF