Sunday 27 May 2007

Bratton court- 27th May 2007

The picture says it all, underneath that mud somewhere is an engine!

It’s been 3 weeks since I last rode due to that bug I picked up, and to be honest I’m still not feeling 100%, and for the first time in a very long time, I actually had some doubts as to whether I would be capable of doing the full 3 hours racing today.
Nevertheless, I went for it.
I was planning to do a 6 hour event today, but choose this race instead, I’m glad I did, because that event was cancelled.

The forecast was rain, and so it turned out to be.
Is it me or what? Every time I do an xmoor event it rains! Remember Combe Sydenham? I do!

I’ve got to say that the A396 from Tiverton to Minehead has more twists and turns than a fairground ride, bloody horrible road, slow going indeed.
Still, we made it there in good time so no problem at all (this makes a change as I’m usually late).

As I got scrutineered I could see that the start was uphill on a grassy slope about 2 to 300 metres long, quite a tricky start with a trials tyre on the back, I knew that traction was going to be difficult (bloody nora, it was!).

Everything done, I lined up for the start thinking about that slope, the flag dropped and off we went.
Could I find any grip? Could I hell! slipping and sliding all over the shop, I finally got up to the wooded section in last place.
I was absolutely livid with myself and I had fire in my eyes (really embarrassing when your girlfriend turns round to you at the end of the race and says ‘what were you doing at the start then, what was that all about?).
With the tight wooded sections that we entered it was hard to overtake but I made up about 10 places until near the end of the first lap I got stuck on a slippery uphill and then they all went past me again, I had to turn back down the hill and get some momentum before I could make it up.
I was now breathing fire! Really pissed off with myself, but hey, it’s a marathon not a sprint, so a long way to go.

On the 2nd lap my goggles decided to pack up, the cord on the rip ‘n’ roll wouldn’t release itself so I couldn’t get any clear vision because of the mud, (turns out that I put the wrong make of canister in, what a twat) I rode past the pits in disgust and threw them at my tool box.
I did have spare goggles, but decided to carry on without.

The course itself I thought was excellent, 6-7 miles long, it was mainly up and down through the woods for quite a lot of it which in places was challenging because of the wet conditions.
Some nice straight fast sections as well and lovely slippery hills (thanks to the marshals who came to my rescue on one particular lap).

One thing I didn’t see was a sign saying, DANGER……………………….LOW FLYING BRANCHES.
Jesus, there were loads of them. Just as you think you were clear of them, you’d stick your head up and one would whack you right in the eyes. This seemed to happen constantly and several times I had to stop and wait to get my vision back before I could carry on.
I think what had happened was that because of the rain overnight it had made the branches droop and sag, so we just had to put up with it.

I was enjoying myself so much I didn’t really want to pit! I love the mud! but after an hour and 45 mins i stopped, took on more fuel and shoved a load of jelly babies down my throat, then back out i went, and with no real problems i made it ok to the finish.
It was nice to do the full 3 hours especially as i didn't think i'd be able to manage it, so a pleasing day.
Now for that drive home back along the A396!

Finishing position: 7/26
Bike status: new rear brake pads
Injuries: sore eyes