Sunday 9 September 2007

Dunmere- 9th September 2007

Disappointment and frustration all rolled into one! Dunmere is 10 minutes up the road, I’d been walking the dog there a few times in the week to get used to the course, and so I was looking forward to it, but i didn’t make the start. Why? 2 reasons really.

Since last weeks crash I‘ve really been struggling with my shoulder, I still can‘t lift it up properly and as soon as the painkillers wear off in the middle of the night, it’s agony. So I’ve had a few sleepless nights and with Dunmere being a ‘proper’ enduro course, I really don’t think that it would have been wise to try and hold on to the bike for so long given the circumstances.

The 2nd reason is probably a blessing in disguise, after a close inspection of the TM, I found out that the bottom fork yoke is cracked, no doubt due to the impact of hitting that gate post last week. So, the bikes down at Marks getting repaired and the front end checked.

I had to get involved in some way or another with it being so close to home, so I decided to help out on one of the steep hills as best I could if anybody got stuck. And they did! Even in the bone dry conditions they were a few riders that needed help including one of the lads from Thor motorcycles that had a nasty one when he went straight over the bars (he’s ok though), quite ironic that, because I was stood with his boss at the time when it happened!
After a couple of hours when things got a bit easier on the hill, I made my way back to the pits, had a chat with a few people and toddled of home feeling satisfied that I’d done my good deed for the day!

Hopefully I might be ok to ride next week.