Sunday 16 September 2007

Nancemellion- 16th September

2 man team event

Me and Pete after we gave his 4 banger a nice little 4 hour excursion round Nancemellion

Well, with the TM still in ‘hospital’ it was off racing on a meaty, grunty, groin throbbing 4 stroke!
It had been dry all week so the track and woods were, um………………….dry!
Signed on and got the bike ready, then took the downhill half mile trek to where the start was. We had a plan! 3 laps at a time each of us, and then in to change over.
Pete started off, bloody dust everywhere as the bikes zoomed up the first hill, rather him than me! Everything went like clockwork and I got in the saddle right on schedule. I must admit, I was a bit apprehensive about racing a 4 banger, but I soon got into my stride after a couple of laps. The course had been cut dramatically from the last event I did down there, very short laps, about 12 mins for us. It still had nice tight wooded sections which went up and down a lot, as well as the bumpy moto x track at the bottom (which later became tricky with the dust flying), before more woods with a nice uphill back to the pits/ lap scoring area.
What was really weird getting used to, or not as the case may be, was revving the guts out of the bike and slipping the clutch, I didn’t do it once, as the Beta 350r pulled like a tractor going up, and chugged it’s way merrily going down.
Done my 3 laps ok and changed over to Pete. No reported problems with his laps, so off I went again to do another 3. I stalled it once in a wooded section, but apart from that I managed to stay out of trouble.
With about an hour left Pete done 3 more and I hopped on the bike hoping to do 3 more before time was up. I managed to do 2 before the chequered flag came out, oh b*llocks, missed it by 2 minutes. Now, of course I’ve nothing against quads so don‘t go saying that I have!, but on my last lap I got held up a bit following one through the tight woods only to overtake it and get stuck behind another one! I reckon I might have got another lap in otherwise. Never mind, I’m sure I’ve slowed a few riders up before now.

Now for the good bit, we done 17 laps right? The lap scorers only marked us down as 16, so in the end we finished 2nd in the sports class, but given the actual number of laps we completed, we finished 1st. Never mind, not to worry, it was just good to have a ride out and I enjoyed that.
Thanks once again to Pete Jago for letting me loose on his pride and joy.