Friday 27 April 2007

A bit of green laning

Had a phone call from a mate of mine Pete Jago, who’d just got a Beta 350 enduro bike which had just had a new piston put in it.
He asked me if I fancied doing a spot of green laning so he could ‘run it in’ and make sure it was running ok. Seeing as I’d just had a piston and clutch put in I thought It would be a good idea as we had both entered for the Greymere event that was in a few days time, this would make sure any teething problems that we had could be sorted.
Even though the TM is road registered I’ve never really took it out for a long time on the road, only to warm the engine up, so I can drain the gearbox oil, check the chain, sprockets, pads, and general things like that.
The thought of taking a highly strung, high revving, little rocket ship through traffic doesn’t really appeal to me.

Pete assured me that we’d be using mostly all the back lanes and we wouldn’t be stuck in any traffic! So I put on the reg plate on the bike, hooked up the trailer and off I went over to his place.

I kicked the bike over, she started up for a few seconds, then died on me. Fouled plug? Yep, in went a new one, and off we went.
I followed him through some farm tracks around Delabole and across the moor, god knows where we went from there, Pete knows the area like the back of his hand, he’s a very experienced rider and regularly goes out with other bikers green laning.
Overall we were out for just over a couple of hours, he certainly knows where to go, including one tricky climb that I got stuck on! (He parked at the top and came back down to give me a push, cheers mate).
Got back to his place in semi darkness, timed it just about right.
Overall I really enjoyed it, although I must admit to being a bit cautious every time I went onto the road, not much grip on damp tarmac these enduro tyres!

Can’t wait for Sunday now.