Tuesday 24 April 2007

i nearly got to ride!

So, I got my bike, brought all the gear (boots,helmet,gloves,etc,etc) and I’m ready to unleash myself on all those poor soles that try to pass me as I’m getting in their way round the track.
Hold on a minute, how the hell am I gonna get my bike anywhere? This was quickly sorted as I had a towbar fitted to my small van and then picked up my first bargain, a bike trailer off ebay for £67!
Great I thought until I got up the next morning and one of the tyres on the trailer was flat, never mind, so I was off down the road for a new tyre, didn’t cost a lot so I still thought I’d picked up a bargain. Then i went off to get a lighten board. This I have to agree is a classic, the price of it was marked £9.69, so up I went to the till, unbeknown to me I give the cashier the board with the price the wrong way round (upside down) so she read it as £6.96, nice one I thought, that I’ll do for me, so that’s what I paid and off I went.

Right then, with everything in place it was off to the track near summercourt that charges £10 a day. When I got down there I had a look around. They were a few ‘crossers’ zipping round the little track and it was at this point that I was getting a bit nervous. Never ridden a bike or been on or off for 20 years what can I expect?
As this was my first time down there the guy who runs it wanted to noise test me, I thought to myself ‘whats this all about then’? so I got the bike off of the trailer and turned the fuel on.
Sh*t, whats that? Fuel was peeing out of the carb like I’d just sunk 10 pints down the pub and I hadn’t been to toilet for a day. On and off I kept turning the fuel tap hoping it would stop, but it didn’t, so embarrassingly I loaded the bike and shot off back home, I was well pissed off! I couldn’t wait to get on the phone to mark and ask him whats going on then?
I felt like a right Beginner (which of course I am) when he explained to me that sometimes when the bike is in transit the floats get stuck in the carb and all what was needed was a gentle tap with a spanner to release them. I put the phone down and tried it, instantly the fuel stopped gushing out. Great, I’ve learnt something today!
To late to go back down the track so I’ll have to go next week.