Thursday 26 April 2007

The start of a new year- 2007

It’s now mid January and I’ve just got back from my hols with Marie, 2 weeks in Tenerife, boy was it hot, lovely!
Got woken up one morning in the apartment by her at 4am, ‘come and look at this’ she said, ‘what’s the matter, is it a cockroche’? I replied still half asleep, ‘no, I’m pregnant’! she said, and showed me the positive test result,
F*cking hell!!!! I’m going to be a dad for the first time.
Great news as it was also my birthday (now 43!).
To celebrate the occasion I decided to have a new clutch and piston put in the bike! (piston being well overdue anyway).

This year I’ve decided to race on average 3 out of every 4 weeks (sometimes more),
and to concentrate on the ore events. I know that their tracks do favour the motocross riders because they aren’t very technical and more about speed, but they run a 2 stroke sportsman championship and it’s over 10 rounds running all through the year.
If you do have a couple of dnf’s for whatever reason, they take your best 8 rounds to count towards the final scoring.
My aim this year is to be good enough to move up into the clubman ranks, or be a half decent 40+ rider.
Lets go for it then.